TSAK Vocational Training Program Locations

The TSAK Vocational Training Program will be offered in South Los Angeles, California as well as other cities and states. For a list of our locations please click on our scroll down tab listed in our Locations Tab at the top of website page.

Darryl Crutchfield, our founder and director will head up the operations nationwide starting in South Los Angeles, California.

Darryl Crutchfield will train our program participants as he has over seven-teen (17) years of experience in the building/construction trade. Darryl has built and repaired solar energy plants, nuclear power plants and oil refineries with the use of hand tools, laser/precision tools and equipment.

This includes the Ivanpah Solar Energy facility located at the state line of California and Nevada.

To assist us with our program throughout the state of California please contact Darryl Crutchfield by email at: darrylc@tsak.org

To Donate please click on the Donate button below.

Be advised: Please do not give cash or checks to anyone pertaining this project and our organization. Donations are to be made here online on this approved website only. Thanks